View of London, England from Westminster Bridge

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Revised London Research Proposal

I am copying and pasting my revised proposal to reflect its changes. I am adding the third poem, "Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey;" I am also beginning to see the connection between the three. I will reflect upon this in my next blog entry today.

London Research Proposal
Topic:  I will be writing about three of William Wordsworth’s poems: “Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey,” “Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802,” as well as “London, 1802.”  These particular poems are written in the late eighteenth, to early 19th Century, although the latter two are dated by some historians as being in the long 18th Century, during the Romanticism literary movement.  Tintern Abbey is a place which Wordsworth revisited; for him, it was a place of escape in nature.  “Composed upon Westminster Bridge . . .” was written later on a trip to France with his sister, Dorothy, in which they stopped to observe “this City” from Westminster Bridge in London, England.  (“City” is capitalized and is explained in more detail in my methodology (Ackroyd 511-12) ).  The site that Wordsworth discusses in Tintern Abbey is the banks of the Wye River; from Westminster Bridge, these sites include the ones he saw, actually, on July 31, 1802.  “London, 1802” was composed shortly after (within less than a month) his trip to London.  These three poems compare and contrast views of how Wordsworth’s travels influenced each other.  The primary text that I will be using is The Norton Anthology of English Literature; I also have several secondary sources as well.  I plan to create a blog of daily entries for my project, which will cover my thinking process, as well as my research from the texts, articles, and site visits in London that relate to the poem itself.  The site visits that I am referring to in particular at this stage in my research are Westminster Bridge and, perhaps, a boat ride along the Thames River so that I can see what Wordsworth saw (although with a more current vision), as well as Westminster Abbey, St. Paul’s Cathedral, some of the towers, etc. that he mentions in his poem.  These will help me relate to the other poems as well, particularly in understanding how one travel can influence another.  My intended audience for this blog is mainly academia; however, it can certainly be followed by whomever is interested.  It can be accessed by typing in: 

Title:  The title of my blog is currently under construction.                                                              

Thesis Statement:  My thesis is currently under construction.  However, my rough thesis is: In these poems, Wordsworth’s contrasting views of three dissimilar places suggests that one travel experience can have an effect upon the other.

Methodology:  In Tintern Abbey, William Wordsworth describes it as a place of escape for him.   He reflects upon nature and states that it never leaves us; nature is always with us.  Therefore, even when he is not in nature, he can always return to it in his mind.  In “Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802,” William Wordsworth describes “this City” as a beautiful place: in all of its glory; however, even though his poem, “London, 1802” was written less than a month later, he saw a very different London.  The site visits that I have seen in London, and will continue to visit while here, will, ultimately, enrich my study of Wordsworth’s poems, not only to better appreciate and comprehend the literature, but to experience how travels from country to city influence the next one.  Wordsworth saw Tintern Abbey as a place of escape.  He also saw London in July 31, 1802 as a place of tranquility.  Perhaps what he had learned from nature influenced, or better prepared him, for the city.  However, his view of London changed in a very short time.  While I am in London, I will walk through nature, although not Tintern Abbey; nevertheless, site visits, such as Bath reflect upon tranquility, and how it brought peacefulness to unsettled lives.  I will also walk on Westminster Bridge, much like Wordsworth did in the early morning when he composed his poem.  Although I will not be able to visit France during this trip, I will be able to, hopefully, make the connection between city and country, as well as how Wordsworth’s views of London contrasted.  Some of the questions that I am considering include: How does traveling to one place influence the next; what does each experience bring to the next one?  If he saw London as a place of tranquility, and, also, saw the same London in a different view, what changed his mind?  What did Wordsworth see on that July day, and why did he choose to write about them?  What does the history of the places and streets bring back to the literature?  In Peter Ackroyd’s London: The Biography, Westminster Bridge is depicted as being constructed in 1750, which changed the interrelation of London, and “this City” became an entity in itself (511-12).  In the poem, Wordsworth describes “this City”: “All bright and glittering in the smokeless air” (8).  How did this new “City” change according to Peter Ackroyd?  London had once been a commercial place with the river as subject for poetry (Ackroyd 534); however, since the building of Westminster Bridge, “this City” became a place of business (512).  Perhaps this is the reason Wordsworth saw it in a new light.  He is usually a poet who writes about nature; although this poem depicts nature in many ways, it is not his usual style, such as “Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey.”  This particular poem is more about the “City” itself and the view (imagery) that he sees.  Why does he see this London as a place of tranquility, and, perhaps, what did being at Tintern Abbey bring to this experience?  What was going on at the time of the poem, “Composed upon Westminster Bridge . . .?”  Since I will be viewing Westminster Bridge two hundred and nine years later than Wordsworth did, what can be seen today?  As I dig deeper into it, I plan to have a clearer view of what Wordsworth saw on that July day, as well as for my blog viewers.  Wordsworth saw London in a different light only less than a month later.  The England that he felt was a tranquil place, no longer felt tranquil anymore.  What did he bring from his previous experience to influence his next travel?  I will be using my laptop computer to log into my blog each day as I visit the sites that will help me with my project.  These places include: Westminster Bridge, a boat ride along the Thames River, Westminster Abbey, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Big Ben, London Eye, along with others that I may find helpful that Wordsworth saw and wrote about in his poems.  This trip to London will contribute to my understanding of Wordsworth’s poems, as well as by visiting the sites, I will, hopefully, be able to make the connection between the travel experiences which Wordsworth embarked upon, and how he brought these travels back to the literature.  I will post the link on the Face book page for the group to view, as well as provide the information for my professors.     

 I.  My thesis is currently under construction, but will have an argument.
II. The process of my research is based upon my thesis statement.
A.    This stage in my outline reflects upon Wordsworth’s poem, “Lines Composed a Few      Miles Above Tintern Abbey.”
1.      Nature was a place of escape for him.
2.      What was happening during this time?
3.      How is the myth of England as an island nation relevant for this time/poem?
B.      This stage in my outline reflects upon Wordsworth’s poem, “Composed upon              
 Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802.”  
1.      How did Wordsworth’s visit to Tintern Abbey influence his next travel experience,     which was to London?  I will explore this further to support my thesis.
2.      He is usually a poet who writes about nature; although this poem depicts nature in many ways, it is not his usual style.
C.     The architecture that was present at the time the poem was written confirms Wordsworth’s suggestion that the view from Westminster Bridge was a place of tranquility; this creates questions that I will answer to support my thesis.   
1.       What buildings did he see on July 31, 1802?
2.       What does the history of the places and streets bring back to the literature?  
3.       The French Revolution (war between England and France) was at a time of peace
 when Wordsworth wrote this poem.
4.       However, even though it was a time of peace, it was unsettled, which contributes to
 why Wordsworth believed that London is a place of tranquility.
5.      Wordsworth is affected by what he saw and experiences feelings in the poem                towards London at the time, and in particular, towards England and France at a time of peace during the French Revolution.                                                                                                              
D.    This stage in my outline reflects upon his poem, “London, 1802.”
 1.   I will contrast Wordsworth’s view of London from “Composed upon Westminster  
 Bridge, September, 3, 1802” with his very different view of London only less than a      
 month later.                                                                                                                           
2.      What does his previous travel experience to London bring to this travel experience?
E.      How does studying in London contribute to my comprehension and appreciation of the
III. This is the analysis of the process of my work.
A.    What does it all mean?
B.     My research will support my thesis.
C.     This is my argument now, which reiterates my thesis statement.
 IV. This is my final blog entry, which will include pictures.

Annotated Bibliography:
“A New Map of London.” 2nd ed. Printed maps of London circa 1553-1850. James Howgego. Folkestone: Dawson, 1978. No. 231, 176-70. London: Published as the Act directs by Laurie and Whittle, N° 53, Fleet Street, Sept. 13, 1802. British Library Integrated Catalogue. Print.
            These maps include London from circa 1553-1850. This particular map is of London in 1802. “A New Map of London” is useful because it should indicate which buildings Wordsworth might have seen in 1802 from Westminster Bridge.
Abrams, M. H., Ed. Wordsworth: A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1972. Print.
            The researchers of this book present criticisms that distinguish Wordsworth in his poems. This book is useful because it is one of the few books that explains the lines of the poem in greater detail from one critic’s analysis.
Ackroyd, Peter. London: The Biography. New York: Anchor Books, 2003. Print.
            The author of this book depicts the history of London. This book is useful because it provides me with one person’s view of the City from a historical standpoint, which helps me with the research for my project. It has useful information about the construction of Westminster Bridge, and how it changed London.
Burra, Peter. Wordsworth. New York: Haskell House, 1972. Print.
The author of this book uses a chronology of the life and poetical works of William Wordsworth. This book is useful because it helps me to understand Wordsworth’s devotion for England, as well as, perhaps, why he dated the poem differently than the actual viewing of the City.
Davies, Hunter. William Wordsworth: A Biography. New York: Atheneum, 1980. Print.
            The author of this particular book simply “state[s] the background to [Wordsworth’s] . . . important poems, where they fitted into his total output, how they had come out of his life, and how they were received to the general reader using “no original research” (xiii). This book is useful because it depicts Wordsworth’s trip to France, and how he stopped upon Westminster Bridge to view the City. It explains the mood that he felt that day, as well as some of the architecture he saw from Westminster Bridge.
EDF Energy London Eye. 14 June 2011. Web.
This website provides information on the London Eye, as well as boat rides from the Thames River. I would like to visit this site because it seems to be the best view of the City. From this particular location, I should be able to see more sites that I would like to visit for my project, such as Big Ben, The Tower of London, as well as other sites that William Wordsworth might have seen when he composed his poem. The site also includes information on a boat ride on the Thames River, which I must do for my project. 
Fausset, Hugh I’anson. The Lost Leader: A Study of Wordsworth. New York: Haskell House, 1966. Print.
The author of this book wants to relate Wordsworth’s “biographical, critical, and psychological elements” together, as well as how it influenced other aspects of his life (11). This book is useful for me because it explains Wordsworth’s devotion to England, as well as his despise of France, which contributed to his breakup with Annette Vallon.
Footnote 1. Wordsworth, William. "Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802." The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 8th ed. Vol. D: The Romantic Period. Eds. Stephen Greenblatt, M.H. Abrams, Jack Stillinger, Deidre Shauna Lynch. New York: Norton, 2006. 317. Print.
The editors of this book compiled poetry, as well as literature, from the Romantic period so that professionals and students have access to it in one location (text). It also includes biographical information on each author, chronologies, as well as footnotes, which explain particular information within a work. This is on my list because it helps to understand the context of the poem itself. This source is extremely useful in the research of Wordsworth’s poem, and why he was there to begin with.
“Georgian London.” Understanding London: The Story of London. Fodor’s See It London. Fodor’s Travel Publications. 4th ed. Eds. Sheila Hawkins, Stephanie Smith. New York: AA Media Limited, 2010. 32-33. Print.  
The editors of this book have compiled writers, cartographers, and designers to offer a practical guide to travel advice on London, England, as well as its history. This book is useful to me because it provides a brief history, which includes some of the sites that William Wordsworth probably saw on July 31, 1802. 
Gill, Stephen. William Wordsworth: A Life. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1989. Print.
The author of this book uses collections of other scholarly materials for the general reader which looks into the life of Wordsworth (vii-viii). This book is useful to me because it gives an account of what Wordsworth saw in London. The neighbors whom William and Dorothy stayed with in London on August 31, 1802 depict the surroundings, which will certainly contribute to my vision of what Wordsworth saw in his poem.
Harper, George McLean. William Wordsworth: His Life, Works, and Influence. London: John Murray, 1929. Print.
The author of this book focuses upon new information on the poem since 1916.                        This book is useful to me because it helps explain the date which the poem was written, and why it was changed. It also explains the mood that Wordsworth experienced while writing the poem.
Introduction. Wordsworth, William. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 8th ed. Vol. D: The Romantic Period. Ed. Stephen Greenblatt, M. H. Abrams, Jack Stillinger, Deidre Shauna Lynch. New York: Norton, 2006. 243-45. Print. 
The editors of this book compiled poetry, as well as literature, from the Romantic period so that professionals and students have access to it in one location (text). It also includes biographical information on each author, chronologies, as well as footnotes, which explain particular information within a work. This is on my list because it is helpful to know the biographical information of the author himself. It is useful because it puts the poem into context. It also contributes to an explanation of Wordsworth’s feelings on the day that he wrote the poem, as well as his feelings toward London.                                                                                                                                                   
Johnston, Kenneth R. The Hidden Wordsworth: Poet, Lover, Rebel, Spy. New York: Norton, 1998. Print.
            The author of this text brings an image of Wordsworth that many never saw (5). It also reveals that he was a much more interesting person, particularly during his younger years, as well (6). It also focuses on how Wordsworth incorporated his life into his poetry (8).
            This book is useful to me because it has some useful information on the date of the poem, as well as his feelings at the time, and after, he composed the poem.
Knight, William, Ed. Journals of Dorothy Wordsworth. London: Macmillan, 1925. Print.
            The editor of this book uses extracts from journals that Dorothy Wordsworth wrote during her travels with her brother so that the general audience will have a more detailed account of their lives (vii-viii). This book is useful because it provides the images which Wordsworth’s sister, Dorothy, wrote in her journals during the time that they crossed Westminster Bridge. It also sheds light on Wordsworth’s feelings toward England and France at the time.
Marsh, Florence. Wordsworth’s Imagery: A Study in Poetic Vision. London: Yale UP, 1952. Print.
The author of this book uses a series of essays which correspond with the symbolism, imagery, and other literary aspects in Wordsworth’s poetry (vii). This book is useful because it characterizes London as a personified city in Wordsworth’s poem.
Moorman, Mary. William Wordsworth: A Biography. The Early Years 1770-1803. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1965. Print.
The author of this book compiles “material[s] provided in the letters, journals, and poetical texts” to contribute to a better understanding of Wordsworth and what he wrote (ix). This book is useful because it provides information on what Wordsworth was doing at the time when he composed the poem.
Morgan, Peter F. The Poetic and Pictorial Elements in Works by Five Writers in English: Milton, Pope, Wordsworth, Ruskin, Pound. Lewiston; Lampeter: E. Mellen P, 1992. British Library Integrated Catalogue. Print.
The author of this book shares his research of five writers in English literature, which includes the poetic and pictorial elements in their works. This book will be particularly useful because it contains a section on Wordsworth’s poem, “Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802.”
National Portrait Gallery. Collections. William Wordsworth (1770-1850), Poet Laureate. London: N.p., 2011. 29 June 2011. Web.
             This website provides information on what can be found within the gallery itself, as well as information on each poet, or painter. I would like to visit this site because it has original paintings of William Wordsworth, as well as other poets, or authors. The site also has some excellent historical points about the poet/author and painter. The room number of where the painting can be located in the gallery is also listed, which is extremely helpful.
Noyes, Russell. William Wordsworth. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1971. Print. Twayne’s English Authors Ser. Ed. Sylvia E. Bowman.
            The author of this book uses other scholarly sources to study Wordsworth’s more famous works: this includes his life, circumstances which prompted his poetry, as well as biographical information to see the evolvement of a poet (7). This book is useful because it describes his patriotism to England, as well as his struggle with his prior devotion to his former lover, Annette Vallon, and child, Caroline, during the time of the composure of his poem. It should contribute to my understanding of why he felt like he did when he wrote the poem, as well as what he saw from Westminster Bridge.
Perkins, David. The Symbolism of Wordsworth, Shelley, and Keats. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard UP, 1959. Print.
            The author of this book concentrates on three poets: Wordsworth, Shelley, and Keats, and their different approaches to poetry (vii). This book is useful because it helps to analyze the poem, particularly what Wordsworth saw in the City from Westminster Bridge.
Reed, Mark L. Wordsworth: The Chronology of the Middle Years 1800-1815. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard UP, 1975. Print.
            The author of this book compiles a chronology of Wordsworth’s mid life from 1800-1815, as well as some of his works created during that time period (v-xiii). This book is useful because it contributes to my understanding of why the date of the poem is different from Wordsworth’s actual view from Westminster Bridge.
Smith, J. C. A Study of Wordsworth. London: Oliver and Boyd, 1946. Print.
The author of this book focuses on a study of Wordsworth and his works, which includes the author’s, as well as Wordsworth’s thoughts on the theory of poetry and other issues.
This book is useful because it depicts what was happening with the war between England and France (French Revolution) at the time that Wordsworth composed the poem. It also helps to understand his feelings in the poem.
Symington, Andrew James. William Wordsworth: a biographical sketch with selections from his writings in poetry and prose, Volume 1. Google books. 14 June 2011. Web.                                                                                               
The author of this book compiles certain selections of Wordsworth’s works and provides information on each work. This book is useful because it describes Westminster Bridge as William Wordsworth saw it. This is actually a diary account of Dorothy Wordsworth who describes the scene. I think it will help me with my research blog, particularly to visualize how William Wordsworth saw Westminster Bridge during the time that he composed his poem, “Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802.”
Whitfield, Peter. London: A Life in Maps. London: The British Library, 2006. Print.
            This author of this book shows London from before the fire (medieval London) through the new London of the 21st century. It includes historical information, as well as maps.
            This book will help me for my research because it shows when Westminster Bridge was first built (1750), as well as when some of the other buildings were constructed.   
Winchester, C. T. William Wordsworth: How To Know Him. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1916. Print.
The author of this book discusses William Wordsworth’s life, as well as his poetry. This book is useful because it helps me to understand Wordsworth’s feelings at the time he wrote the poem, which included a duty to his country.  
Woodring, Carl. Wordsworth. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1965. Print.
            The author of this book concentrates on “critical [rather] than biographical” aspects, which include “debates over Wordsworth’s purposes, meanings, and techniques” (v). This book is useful because it aids to my understanding of the poem in general, as well as what he saw.
Wordsworth, William. “Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802.” The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 8th ed. Vol. D: The Romantic Period. Eds. Stephen Greenblatt, M. H. Abrams, Jack Stillinger, Deidre Shauna Lynch. New York: Norton, 2006. 317. Print.                                                                                                              
The editors of this book compiled poetry, as well as literature, from the Romantic period so that professionals and students have access to it in one location (text). It also includes biographical information on each author, chronologies, as well as footnotes, which explain particular information within a work. This particular text is on my list because it contains the poem that I am researching for my project. It is useful because by reading Wordsworth’s poem for myself, I can, ultimately, decide what questions that I want to ask, as well as answer, in my research blog.
Wordsworth, William. “Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey.” The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 8th ed. Vol. D: The Romantic Period. Eds. Stephen Greenblatt, M. H. Abrams, Jack Stillinger, Deidre Shauna Lynch. New York: Norton, 2006. 258-62. Print.
The editors of this book compiled poetry, as well as literature, from the Romantic period so that professionals and students have access to it in one location (text). It also includes biographical information on each author, chronologies, as well as footnotes, which explain particular information within a work. This particular text is on my list because it contains the poem that I am researching for my project. It is useful because by reading Wordsworth’s poem for myself, I can, ultimately, decide what questions that I want to ask, as well as answer, in my research blog.
Wordsworth, William. “London, 1802.” The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 8th ed. Vol. D: The Romantic Period. Eds. Stephen Greenblatt, M. H. Abrams, Jack Stillinger, Deidre Shauna Lynch. New York: Norton, 2006. 319. Print.
The editors of this book compiled poetry, as well as literature, from the Romantic period so that professionals and students have access to it in one location (text). It also includes biographical information on each author, chronologies, as well as footnotes, which explain particular information within a work. This particular text is on my list because it contains the poem that I am researching for my project. It is useful because by reading Wordsworth’s poem for myself, I can, ultimately, decide what questions that I want to ask, as well as answer, in my research blog.


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