View of London, England from Westminster Bridge

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A New Direction *(and this was revised later as well)

The streets of London: July 8, 2011
My initial reaction to the city was much like William
Wordsworth's poem, "Composed upon
Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802." 
I have a fresh perspective on this blog post, particularly after I received the notes on my revised proposal. Listed below is a rough revised outline, which will serve as my primary focus for my blog, as well as my final entry:   *My first one didn't save at the British Library; luckily, I had written it down on paper (gasp).
I. This is my thesis.
A. I will have a blog post on each visit, as well as the city generally, and how it enhances my understanding of the poems' themes.
     1. City - My initial reaction and how it connects with "Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802." I agree with William Wordsworth's view of the city before I came to London, as well as when I got here, until I went to Bath.
     2. Country - My trip to Bath and how it changed my opinion of London, much like Wordsworth does in his poem,"London, 1802." The connection to the two poems is the contrast itself. He viewed London very differently after he had been in Calais.
B.  "Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey." - In my revised proposal, I listed this poem as coming first in my blog entries, as well as in my final blog.
     1. However, as I am writing I realize that the connection between the London poems must come first, which I thought initially, because I need to show how his travel experience from one place influenced his next.
C.  Therefore, to return to "Tintern Abbey," I can show how nature provides an escape for him.
     1. This sense of calmness (tranquility) provided Wordsworth the ability to reflect upon London in a tranquil way, even in a time of unsettled peace in his life.
D. This is my last blog entry for Wordsworth's poem: "Composed upon Westminster Bridge." This is where the biographical information connects to Wordsworth's "Westminster Bridge."
     a. He traveled to Calais with his sister, Dorothy, on July 31, 1802, and paused upon Westminster Bridge.

B. These are the site visits which relate to each of the three poems.
    1. Westminster Abbey.
         a. How it made me feel so emotional toward a place because of the physical beauty of its interior walls, it was a place where many had gone before.
         b. This is one of the reasons why Wordsworth reflected upon London in this way when he wrote "Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802."
         c. He felt such emotion, as well as passion, for a "City" so beautiful, so ornate, that he reflects upon it as a tranquil place. 
    2. These are my other sites which I will add to as well.

C. This is my literary analysis of "Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802."

II. "London, 1802."
III. "Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey."

*Please note that I revised this as well later. Remember, this is a work in process. I am a writer in isolation, sort of. (Posted on July 27, 2011)

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